Saturday, March 3, 2007


  1. For Visitors:

The Art of Hula by Ron Laes

Booklet containing a colorful photos of a variety of hula dancers, hula step how to photos and text explanation, hula commands, Hawaiian terminology, and a special portion on how to make a ti-skirt and grass skirt.

Things Hawaii: A Celebration of the History, Landmarks, Flavors, Trends & Traditions that make Hawai`i Special by Carrie Ching

Interesting 140 page book full of color photos and info. The perfect coffee table book!

  1. For Advanced:

The Spirit of Hula by Shari `Iolani Floyd Berinobis

This beautiful book is filled with hula photos of 68 different halaus from Hawai`i, the mainland and abroad. Contains halau lineage, philosophies, memories, achievements and special thoughts by George Ainsley Kananiokeakua Holokai, Blossom Keli`i`aukai Joshua Kunewa, Kawaikapuokalani Hewett, and Hide Kalanimoku of Aoyama, Japan.

Ku Mai Ka Po`e Hula: Directory of Hula Resources.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), compiled by Manu Boyd, 1996.

Contact: OHA, 711 Kapi`olani Blvd. Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813

(808) 594-1888 / 594-1865 (fax)

Booklet of 36 pages containing halau contact info, lineage, awards and philosophies. Also includes the approximate date and contact info for hula festivals and competitions, hula instrument makers, and a glossary of hula words.

  1. For Hawaiian History and Culture:

Hula (Pamphlets Polynesia Series Number 4) by Ishmael Stagner

Hula Historical Perspectives by Dorothy B. Barrere, Mary Kawena Pukui and Marion Kelly

Hula by Jerry Hopkins

'Olelo No'eau : Hawaiian Proverbs & Poetical Sayings by Mary Kawena Pukui